Who We Are
The Brandeis Association is a Queens County Bar Association of Jewish legal professionals.
Founded in 1969, the Brandeis Association’s mission is to encourage friendship and culture among our members, to foster respect for the law and legal institutions, and to vigorously assert our interest in justice and fair play in the County of Queens, and the City and State of New York.
The Brandeis Association is a voluntary bar association; therefore, our membership includes Jewish lawyers and judges who live, practice, or preside in the Borough of Queens. Our goal is to bring our community together and engage with legal and social issues that have an impact on the Jewish members of the legal profession, our community in Queens County as well as the larger Jewish community as a whole.
Our religious values and traditions are at the forefront of who we are as legal professionals, members of our community, and individuals.
The goals of the Brandeis Association are to advocate for our beliefs, educate the community, build trustworthy and beneficial networking opportunities, as well as build lifelong friendships.
As education is a main focus of the Brandeis Association, we are proud to have founded the Brandeis Association Scholarship fund. The scholarship fund provides scholarships to Jewish law students currently in the 2nd or 3rd year of study. As of 2022, we have expanded eligibility to include Jewish Law Students who are residents of Queens County or who are attending a law school in New York City or Pace Law School, Touro Law School, or The Maurice A. Deane School of Law. You can learn more and apply for the scholarship fund on our dedicated website here
The Brandeis Association also awards an annual Barry Tivin Community Service Award, which was started in honor of the untimely passing of our dear friend, former President, and Chair of the Brandeis Association, Barry Tivin. You can read more about this award and nominate a worthy individual here.
If you would like to join the Brandeis Association, you can do so here, and watch our website for upcoming events.
“If I am not for me, who is for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” – Hillel
Education is Key!
As education is a main focus of the Brandeis Association, we are proud to have founded the Brandeis Association Scholarship fund. The scholarship fund provides scholarships to Jewish law students currently in the 2nd or 3rd year of study. As of 2022, we have expanded eligibility to include Jewish Law Students who are residents of Queens County or who are attending a law school in New York City or Pace Law School, Touro Law School, or The Maurice A. Deane School of Law. You can learn more and apply for the scholarship fund on our dedicated website.

Community Service
The Brandeis Association also awards an annual Barry Tivin Community Service Award, which was started in honor of the untimely passing of our dear friend, former President, and Chair of the Brandeis Association, Barry Tivin. You can read more about this award and nominate a worthy individual here.
If you would like to join the Brandeis Association, you can do so here, and watch our website for upcoming events.